المنتجات الرئيسيةزيت زيتون البكر اضافية ، زيت ثفل الزيتون ، Modena البلسميك vinager ، مستحضرات التجميل زيت زيتون

The mill "Hacienda Ortigosa", was founded in Viana (Navarra) Spain, in 2005. Each year it produces a total of 180,000 litres of single variety oil from the arbequina olive and has a storage capacity of over 1,200,000 litres.

Our experience and knowledge together with the richness of the nature, his ground and climate, are the factors that guarantee the exceptional flavour of our oil. The best traditional extraction techniques combined with state-of-the-art technology guarantee the unique flavour of our olive oils.


The purpose of Hacienda Ortigosa is to produce an oil of high quality, very fine for people who know how to enjoy a high quality product.

If there is something that characterises Hacienda Ortigosa then it is our:



Single variety olive oil from the Arbequina olive. This type of olive is characteristic of the Ebro, La Rioja and Lérida areas of Spain. It is a select variety and is highly valued in the industry for its properties and characteristics.




Large scale production: Each year we produce a total of 180,000 litres of single variety oil from the arbequina olive. The storage capacity of our stainless steel depositories is 1,200,000 litres.




Estate:We cultivate our own arbequina olives from over 220 hectares of land which contain over 350,000 olive tree.




Irrigation system: We employ the most advanced system of irrigation currently available on the market. A satellite controlled system allows any anomaly in the system to be detected; this allows immediate care of the olives.


Nature shares it rich climate and ground.

Harvest time: The harvest of the olives is carried out at the optimum time. Hacienda Ortigosa is conscious that the time of collection is critical to the quality of our oils. A prompt collection reduces the level of acid in our oils and intensifies the smell and flavour.




System control: Hacienda Ortigosa has total control over the production process of its oil. Growing and harvesting the olives in our own groves and using our own machinery for harvesting; transportation of the olives from the groves to the trujal using our own trucks; pressing the olives to extract the oil in our own plant and finally bottling and storing the oil. As a result Hacienda Ortigosa can rapidly coordinate changes in the production schedule and respond to the needs of our clients without having to rely on external suppliers.




Reduced time taken to press the olives. Hacienda Ortigosa employ market leading machinery in all phases of production to ensure that the amount of time taken between the olive being picked from the tree and the extraction of the oil is kept to a minimum. In fact all our olives are pressed within 8 hours of being picked! This means that we can transfer the properties of the olive straight through to the oil.